Two New Columns

October 8th, 2007

Mama, Phd editors Caroline and Elrena both have new columns up on Literary Mama today!

In Mama at the Movies ~ Shut Up and Sing, Caroline writes:

I am a mother who hates war and violence, and loves movies and music. Shut Up and Sing (Barbara Kopple and Cecilia Peck, 2006) gives me a lot of what I care about in a film. It’s no date-night romance, true, but this documentary, which details the impact of Natalie Maines’ anti-war remark on the Dixie Chicks’ music, their families, and our culture, has me singing its praises.

And in Me and My House ~ Cradle Christian, Elrena writes:

I don’t understand why I am sitting here, a Christian and a feminist…allowing a man in clerical garb to rebuke my young daughter. My spirituality is twined with flesh, with bodies that bleed and birth and nurse their young. That is the high calling of motherhood: a demand that we learn to negotiate the spirit world while remaining firmly rooted in our earthly humanity.

Visit Literary Mama’s column section to read more!

And One More Review!

August 27th, 2007

This one from Catherine Newman, author of Waiting for Birdy: A Year of Frantic Tedium, Neurotic Angst, and the Wild Magic of Growing a Family (Penguin, 2005). She says, “All those sleepless nights and dirty diapers and baby food in your hair — where’s the discursive construction of motherhood when you need it? It’s here, in these smart, funny, poignant essays that struggle to balance mind and body, to balance body and soul.”

A Review from Mary Ann Mason!

August 27th, 2007

Another review is in!

Mary Ann Mason, author of Mothers on the Fast Track: How a New Generation Can Balance Families and Careers (Oxford University Press, 2007) says, “This is a charming, heartfelt book that expresses the difficulties and the joys of combining a life in academia with motherhood. Each story is different, but the experiences and challenges are widely shared.”

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